Metro Atlanta Area Mold Assessments

Home InSight provides home inspection services, including mold inspections and mold testing.

Mold assessments are inspections to determine the sources of moisture that may be causing mold to grow. Mold testing may be done to determine the extent mold contamination, assist doctors in diagnosing their patients, or answering property related questions. The goal is to restore the house to livable condition and improve the health of those living there.

Our specialty is find sources of water or moisture infiltration into your house, recommend contractors to fix them, and get you started toward mold clean up. When the mold remediators are finished, we verify the house is clean to issue mold clearance letters.

What are you looking for?

Mold Inspections:
Finding Sources of Moisture
Mold Testing:
Identifying mold & Determining Extent of Contamination
Mold Removal:
How to Remove & Get Rid of Mold
Mold Symptoms:
Allergenic, Pathogenic, & Toxic Mold Effects
Mold Prevention:
Controlling Moisture in the House
Mold Pros:
Inspectors & Remediators, Health & Legal Professionals
Black Mold:
Facts, Fears, Symptoms, & Solutions

Home InSight performs home mold inspections & mold testing in Metro Atlanta, GA Area houses, including Carroll, Cherokee, Clayton, Cobb, Coweta, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette, Forsyth, Fulton, Gwinett, Harris, Heard, Henry, Meriweather, Paulding, Pike, Rockdale, Spaulding, and Troup counties.


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